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Singapore, feed me. Now.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In our complex global food supply chain, we are becoming increasingly disconnected from our food. Discuss.
Nothing like a good ol' open-ended question.
Can you name any environmental education lesson in Geography / CCE that was conducted in your school? How was it done?
Knowledge is everywhere. Thank you for sharing :)
What does the term 'sustainability' mean to you?
Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Upper Sec Geog teachers, do you have any interesting ways in which you teach the Chapter of Food Resources? Care to share? Free 'call a colleague' option available.
There is no limit to creativity.
The first fast food chain in Singapore?
A&W (American and Western). First opening at Dunearn Road in 1966. Market competition forced the chain’s exit in 2003, but returned in 2019...
This food outlet has 40% of the food market share in Singapore.
What are some insects that help us in growing / protecting crops?
Bee, Black Soldier Fly, Ladybug, Some beetles, Parasitic Wasp etc.
Food waste cannot be used to generate electricity. True or false?
How many percent of our food do we import now?
When there was severe shortage of eggs in Singapore during the COVID-19 circuit breaker, we imported eggs from this country.
Name one type of meat that is grown locally.
Fish / Pork / Beef / Chicken
What is the name of the government agency set up to ensure and secure a supply of safe food for Singapore?
SFA (Singapore Food Agency)
How many percent of Singapore's land area is designated for agricultural use? Why do you think this is so?
< 1%
What is Singapore 30 by 30 about?
Singapore plans to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally by 2030.
How do you feel about this? What can we do to reduce this?
Think about small things that you can do to influence your personal / your family's decisions.
What are some of the reasons for food waste in Singapore?
86% of locals prepare excessive amounts of food for parties, 25 % of locals buy more groceries than needed & 52% never take away unfinished food.