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The Price is Right

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the closest price of this item? Business class ticket from Seoul to Dubai.
What is the closest price of this item? Starbucks Green Tea Frappucino Grande
What is the closest price of this item? Tesla Model X, White.
What is the closest price of this item? Guy Billout painting (copy, not original piece).
What is the closest price of this item? Shrek on DVD (Special Edition)
What is the closest price of this item? A white tiger.
What is the closest price for this item? A Big Mac Meal at McDonalds (burger, medium fries, and a soda).
What is the closest price for this item? Today's price of a gallon of milk in the U.S.
What is the closest price for this item? 3 pairs of Jimmy Choo high heels.
What is the closest price for this item? An electric bike with a motor and helmet.
What is the closest price for this item? A water-powered rowing machine.
What is the closest price for a trip to San Diego? 3-night stay at a beachfront hotel and private limo service.
What is the closest price for this item?
What is the closest price for this item? 3 saws that can cut through wood and metal.
What is the closest price for this item? A racing simulator, a gaming computer, monitor stands, and wheel.
What is the closest price for this item? Fendi leather bag, sunglasses, gold bracelet, and earrings.
What is the closest price for this item? 8-cup coffee machine, electric kettle, espresso machine, and 4 espresso cups.