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Describing books (Outcomes Advanced)
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This book is a _________ for everyone who has been heart-broken
The story in the book is told from the first person, the______, who brings forward trustworthy facts and arguments.
That article in New York Times has such a rich and _______ vernacular, which doesn't obviously correspond to a newspaper writing style.
The book I am reading now about pedagogy is not a _________ read for sure. It is mundane and totally boring!
__________ such issues as poverty and dissatisfaction of society is a #1 priority of the government.
The hotel we went to is ________ _________ for its impeccable service and perfect location.
highly recommended
She is in the middle of the crises with her abusive mother, whose _______ to overcome her depression and addictions.
That book deals with the ________ themes of poverty and forbidden but unconditional love between individuals from opposite social class
The _________is mainly focused on Alice discovering the unique place called Wonderland.
The novel _______ on a young family going through the rough patch.