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Malta's Megalithic Temples Quiz

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There is evidence to show the Phoenicians reused some of the temples. True or false?
True. There is evidence at the Tas-Silg site.
A large statue of a woman at Tarxien Temple is half missing. Which half? The top half or the bottom half?
The top half.
The Mnajdra temples have secret rooms in the walls. True or false?
True. The walls are very thick.
Is there any evidence of human sacrifice at the temples?
No. Only animal sacrifices.
What type of stone are the temples made from?
Hal Saflieni Hypogeum goes 5 metres underground. True or false?
False. It's goes down 12 metres underground!
Is one temple called "HAGAR QIM" or "HAGRID GIN"?
Hagar Qim
The Ä gantija temple in Gozo gets its name from the Maltese for 'giant'. True or false?
Are the temples older or younger than the pyramids of Egypt?
Name two types of decoration used at the temples
drilled holes [dots], spirals, trees, plants, animals
When were the temples built?
Between 3600 and 2500 BC
How many prehistoric temples are there in Malta?
Seven [7]