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Lucia was presented in the folk tales as...
the greatest of witches
Foretelling of the future husband and various love wishes were typical for
St.Lucia Day on the 13th December
Putting up the MAY POLES on the 1st of May symbolises
love and new life.
Carnival or costumes parties are in Slovakia called
Horse raddish, eggs, sausages, sweet bread are typical for
Gingerbread cookies are typical for ...
A wreath with 4 candles is typical for ...
When is Epiphany or the feast of the three kings celebrated
6th January
When do we see and hear fireworks?
New Year´s Eve
When do we remeber those who are dead?
All Saints day
When do we lit up bonfires on hills and jump over them?
St.Johns Day
When do we have 4 weeks lent?
Before Christmas
When do we have 40 days lent?
before Easter
Which places and activities would you recommend to a foreign tourist when visiting Slovakia.
Your own answer
Name some famous Slovak athletes
Sagan, Vlhová, Hamšík...
Name some famous people from Slovakia
Artist Andy Warhol - his parents came from the east of Slovakia to the USA. Stefan Banič invented a parachute.
What is typical for Slovak people?
The main meal is lunch.We use to celebrate namedays, we take a tree from the forest to decorate for May Day, it is built up in front of the House of a beloved g
What is Slovakia famous for?
It is famous for beautiful forests, clean water and mineral springs, many castles, spas, caves...Beautiful women...
Name some unique Easter traditions.
We decorate easter eggs. We have Big friday, not Good Friday as in the UK, we have special Sunday breakfast, and on Easter Monday boys pour water ove girls and
Name some unique Christmas traditions.
Jesus child, not Santa, brings the Christmas gifts, decorating gingerbreads. Going to midnight mass, traditional christmas dinner with fried fish and potatoe sa
Name some typical Slovak drinks.
Beer, Slivovica - alcohol made of plums, Borovička - Juniper gin - made from a pine tree berries. And wine
Name some typical Slovak meals.
The gnocchi with sheep cheese, cabbage soup with meat and sausages,
What are Slovak people like?
They are hospitable, but conservative in some way...They love traditional music and dancing and they try to keep their traditions alive.
Name some famous cities or towns.
Bratislava is the biggest, then Košice, Prešov, Nitra...
Name some famous caves.
Dobšinská Ice cave, Belianska cave, Domica cave.
Name some famous spas.
There are spas in Bardejov, Pieštany, Rajecké Teplice
Name some famous castles.
Bratislava castle, Spiš castle, Trenčín castle, Ľubovňa castle, Beckov castle, Orava castle...
Name some animals living in Slovakia.
Lynx - a kind of big wild cat, chamois - a mountain goat , a marmot, bears, wolves, eagles, beavers, otters...
Name a plant in High Tatras protected by law.
Edelweiss is kind of a small grey furry flower, which grows in High Tatras.
What can tourist do in Slovakia?
They can go skiing, snowbording, hiking, sightseeing. They can enjoy the nature and clean water and air.
Where can we find tarns?
In High Tatras, for example Poprad tarn, Štrbské tarn, Great Hincovo tarn
Do you know some Slovak dams?
Liptov Dam, Orava water dam, Domaša, Šírava and many others
Name some Slovak rivers and what are they famous for?
he most famous and the biggest is Danube, then Váh is the longest, river Poprad and Dunajec are the only two rivers flowing to the North sea.
What is the highest mountain/peak?
Gerlach peak
What mountain ranges do we have in Slovakia?
The most famous is High Tatras with beautiful nature and tarns. It is protected by law. It is a national park. Then we have Low Tatras and Big and Small Fatra.
What minorities do live in Slovakia?
There live Hungarian, Romanies and people of Czech, German and Polish origin. A special group are Gorals and Ruthenians, who use to live in the north-east of Sl
How many people live in Slovakia?
There live over 5,5 million people/inhabitants.
Why is Bratislava unique?
It is the only capital in the world bordering two countries - Austria and Hungary.
What does Bratislava castle look like?
It is a square building with four towers.
What is the capital of Slovakia?
What countries does Slovakia border to?
Slovakia borders to Czech Republic in the northwest, Austria in the southwest, Hungary in the south, Ukraine in the east and Poland in the north.
It is said that Slovakia is the ..........of Europe.
Where is Slovakia situated?
In central Europe