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US History A - Unit 5 Recap

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The Alien and Sedition Acts authorized the President to arrest and deport immigrants who criticized the gov't. True or False?
This stated that slaves were considered property and therefore the gov't could not ban slavery in any state. Popular Sovereignty or Dred Scott Decision?
Dred Scott Decision
These were pro-slavery who crossed the border to vote to influence whether the territory became a free state or a slave state. Border Ruffians or Abolitionists?
Border Ruffians
This resulted in battles between Free-Soilers and border ruffians. Blending Kansas or Mexican- American War?
Bleeding Kansas
This political party viewed that slavery should not be allowed in any land gained from the Mexican Cession following the Mexican- American War. The Republican party or the Free-Soil Party?
The Free-Soil Party
The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 elevated women's rights to a national level. True or False?
This caused slave states to increase restrictions further divided the North and South. Nat Turner's Rebellion or the Underground Railroad?
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Considered the largest reform movement at the time, the goal of the Temperance movement was to ban alcohol to alleviate society's moral decline. True or False?
This is the belief that there is an irrational, spiritual and mystical element to human existence. Transcendentalism or Enlightenment?
This is where angry farmers used violence to protest new tax policies. The Whiskey Rebellion or Shay's Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion
The cotton gin increased cotton farming and slavery. True or False?
This is the belief that it is America's God-given right to conquer the continent to spread democracy. Manifest Destiny or The Louisiana Purchase
Manifest Destiny
Popular sovereignty stated that territory residents, not Congress would decide if slavery would be allowed. True or False?
True - it was part of the Compromise of 1850
This discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. Monroe Doctrine or Alien and Sedition Acts?
Monroe Doctrine
Hamilton's Financial Plan during Washington's presidency is considered by many the event that created the first political parties. True or False?
Marbury vs. Madison established judicial review or the Supreme Court?
judicial review
Nullification is the concept that states had the ability to decide whether a law was unconstitutional. True or False?
The turned American public opinion against France. The Whiskey Rebellion or the XYZ Affair?
The XYZ affair
The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Supreme Court. True or False?
This included secretary of state, secretary of the treasury and attorney general. Senate or Cabinet?
Political involvement in this party was determined by land ownership. Federalists or Democrats?
Federalist Party