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Kazakh traditional clothes

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Girls’ hats were usually decorated with ____________ which were believed to protect them against evil forces.
eagle owl feathers
As soon as the woman gave birth to her first child, her headdress would be replaced with _________________________.
a white turban, or kimeshek.
Types of jewelry usually depended on _______ of those who wore them.
age, social and marital status
_________ a compulsory element of both male and female clothing.
_______ was worn over them, which was supposed to be put off at the entrance to the house.
Leather kebis
Another common type of footwear among Kazakhs was light boots without heels
ichigi or masi
Who did often wear boots with high heels (up to 6 - 8 cm)?
Young people
In old times it was similar for men and women
Kazakh foot wear
Conical hat
What is the kazakh women's national bridal headwear?
Сamisole with sleeves is ________
“zhendi kemzal”
A camisole without sleeves was called ________
feminine kemzal
What is the warm women's clothing typically made of fox fur?
Women dress is ____
Some people call it tyubeteyka
This oldest word comes from the word 'wolf'
It is one kind of spring and autumn male headdress.
What can also be made from raccoon skin ("Janat ishik") or silver foxes ("kara tulki”)?
What is common winter clothing for the Kazakhs?
These robes are not as gender specific as other clothes, and both men and women commonly wear them.
Women wore it under “koylek”
Only ________ were permitted to have red in their clothing
girls and young women
Hat in kazakh is ____
In the 18th century, ___________ were sewn from homespun camel hair fabric and skin.