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Clothes quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 items of clothing women wear but men don’t.
dress, skirt, bra, panties or knickers, blouse, high-heeled shoes, nightdress, wedding gown
Shirts can have short or long ones. What are they?
What is female underwear often called?
panties, knickers
Name 3 pieces of clothing that are often made of leather.
shoes, belt, boots, jacket, gloves
What do you call the plastic or metal thing you can hang clothes on?
clothes hanger, hanger
Name three pieces of clothing starting with the letter T.
trousers, tie, tracksuit, T-shirt, tights
What do you wrap around your neck when it’s cold?
scarf, shawl
Name something made of rubber worn on your feet.
(rubber) boots, Wellington boots, Wellingtons, flip-flops etc.
What is worn by women and is very short?
I keep you warm. I usually have a zip. I’m short. I’m sometimes made of leather.
You find these on a shirt. They’re used to ‘close’ the shirt.
What do you call the ‘strings’ used to tie your shoes?
laces or shoelaces
Name five things a businessman would wear to work.
suit, shirt, tie, socks, shoes, trousers, jacket etc.
Name 5 things you could wear to go to the beach.
swimsuit, swimming costume, swimming trunks, bikini, shorts, T-shirt, sandals, flip-flops, sunhat etc.
Give another name for a woman’s shirt.
Name a popular hat that is also used in a ball sport.
(baseball) cap
Which item of clothing has ‘fingers’?
glove or gloves
Name 2 pieces of clothing starting with the letter P.