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Have you ever visited this place?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean by bank administration charge?
It's amount of money that we pay for the bank services
Congrats!!! You earn more points!!
Upssss... you lost 15 points, Really sorry about that....
oh no
Why do bank needs the security?
To save the bank and help the costumers to process their money.
What is this person called?
Which one that you prefer to save your money, bank, piggy bank, or wallet?
Can you mention the benefits of debit card?
Easy to bring, easy to access, easy to use in many places.
What place to visit when we lost the debit card?
Police Office and bank
Back again to Debit Card, can this thing pay our groceries?
Yes absolutely.
What kinds of information that ID Card needs?
ID Number, Name, Gender, Address, Religion, Citizen.
There is a card here, do you know what card is this?
ID Card, Identity Card
Who will we find in the bank?
Customer Service, Teller, Security Guard.
How's about this? Do you know what is this?
It's called ATM
What is this thing called?
It's a saving book
How's about this? Do you know what is this?
It's a debit card
Have you ever visited this place?
Yes, of course!!!
What is this place called?