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P4 Real Life Maths!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alesia solved loads of problems in maths one day. She got 20 questions correct. She needed a little help with 7 of them. How many did she solve all by herself?
In the library, Katja and Varvara read 21 pages of a book together. Hanna and Agnija read 34 pages of another book. How many pages did they read altogether?
55 pages.
Tim has 4 slices of bread, Ilya has 3 slices of bread, Kai has 2 slices of bread and Luize has 1 slice of bread. They are all covered in sour cream! How many slices of bread altogether?
10 slices of bread!
A pencil weighs 25g, an eraser weighs 30g and a ruler weighs 15g. What is the total weight altogether?
P4 and P5 are going on a field trip to the zoo. There are 40 students altogether and 6 teachers. Each school bus can sit 12 students. How many buses are needed to get everyone to the zoo?
4 buses
Ms Fiona went to buy some treats for the class. She bought 19 cupcakes, 21 lollipops and 14 juices. How many items did she buy altogether?
54 items
There are 130 girls at EIS. 53 of those girls are in Middle and Senior School. How many girls attend primary school at EIS?
77 girls
The school asks all 244 students at EIS if they prefer cats or dogs. 124 students say they prefer cats. How many students prefer dogs?
120 students prefer dogs!
There are 14 children in P4. They have a vote to decide if they should watch Mr Bean or play board games. 7 children vote for Mr Bean. How many vote for board games?
7 students
There are 14 students in P4. One Monday, 4 students are absent and one student leaves school early to go to the doctor's. How many students are there at the end of the day?
9 students