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Could/ couldn't/ have to/ has to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use "have to" or "has to": Bon ................ (finish) her homework before she goes to bed.
has to finish
Use "have to" or "has to": She ................. (not buy) any food because she is not hungry.
doesn't have to buy
Use "have to" or "has to": Ms Dung and Mr Hung ............. (not get up) early today.
don't have to get up
Use "have to" or "has to": All students ............... (take) the exam.
have to take
Use "have to" or "has to": Alex ........... (not clean) her room today.
doesn't have to clean
Use "have to" or "has to": You ................ (not go) to school today because it is a holiday.
don't have to go
Use "have to" or "has to": Mom ................ (wake up) early every morning to go to the supermarket.
has to wake up
Use "could" or "couldn't": Daisy ............ any fish in the river today. She was sad about that. (take - drop - catch)
couldn't catch
Use "could" or "couldn't" Sally’s mother ................ all the party food at the new supermarket! (watch - do - buy)
could buy
Use "could" or "couldn't": Fred .............. his homework but then Dad helped him. (do - watch - take)
couldn't do
Use "could" or "couldn't": Jane ................ lots of photos of the baby panda with her new camera. (do - buy - take)
could take
Use "could" or "couldn't": We .............. our friends because there was no internet yesterday. (email - take - watch)
couldn't email
Use "could" or "couldn't": Sam wasn’t happy because he ............. to the party. (email - buy - go)
couldn't go
Use "could" or "couldn't": It was sunny on Tuesday. Kim ............ all her wet clothes outside. (dry - drop - watch)
could dry
Use "could" or "couldn't": Sam ................... TV because he lost his glasses. ( dry - watch - drop)
couldn't watch