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CTL B2 test review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She can read. She can write. She can't type.
He can dance. He can sing. He can't swim.
How many blocks are there?
There are ten blocks.
Is there a television?
No, there isn't.
Where is the teddy bear?
It is in the window.
Where is the ball?
The ball is in the box.
Where is the cat?
The cat is on the box.
the / in / they / ? / garden / Are
Are they in the garden? Yes, they are.
What do they like?
They like snakes.
brother / ? / bathroom / Is / the / in / your
Is your brother in the bathroom?
Are there six yo-yos?
No, there are not. There are five yo-yos.
a / . / trash can / There / is
There is a trash can.
they / not / . / No, / are / papayas
No, they are not papayas.
Can they read?
Yes, they can read.
Can he type?
Yes, he can type.
Where are you?
I'm in the bedroom.
balls / there / are / How / ? / many
How many balls are there? There are twelve basketballs.
video games
you / the / ? / Are / in / living room
Are you in the living room? No, I'm in the kitchen.
his / ? / Where / father / is
Where is his father?
A) There are a pear. B) There are six books.
B) There are six books.
A) This are papayas. B) These are papayas.
B) These are papayas.
A) We like tigers. B) We don't like lions.
B) We don't like lions.
A) These are grapes. B) Those is coconuts.
A) These are grapes.
A) They can read. B) She can read.
A) They can read.