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5 Love Language

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What love language is making coffee, preparing dinner or helping in projects, household chores? (P50)
Acts of Service
What love language is meaningful, personalized items? (P50)
Receiving Gifts
Any form of physical contact to show affection. (P100)
Physical Touch
Any verbal expressions of affection, validation or care
Words of Affirmation
What love language is hanging out, chilling on the couch or playing? (P50)
Physical Touch
What love language is public display of affection? (P50)
Physical Touch
What love language is complimenting and praising? (P50)
Words of Affirmation
Thoughtful gestures meants to meaningfully make someone's day better or easier. (P100)
Acts of Service
Physical items given to show or express feelings of love or care. (P100)
Receiving Gifts
The time people spend together really enjoying each other's company. (P100)
Quality Time
Who developed the love language theory? (P50)
Gary Chapman