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Amal Unbound ch1-10

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why was Amal so angry with the stranger?
He wanted her pomegranate.
What Happened to Amal when she went out of the market?
A car hit her
How did Amal have some peaceful time without Safa nad Rabia?
She went alone to the market
Are girls and boys treated the same way in Pakistan? How do you know?
Does the baby have a name? Why?
What does Seema bring to Amal from school?
poetry assignment
Who is going to school? Amal or Seema? Why?
Amal talks to her father. Can she go to school? Why?
Amal, Safa and Rabia go to buy vegetables to the greengrocer's. True or false?
Who is Fozia?
Hafsa's mother
Why is Amal so tired? Does she want to go to school soon?
house chores
Who is Raheela Bibi?
Who is Parvin?
Omar's mother and servant
Why is everyone so sad about the baby?
The baby is a girl
Why is Amal worried?
her mum and the early arrival of the baby
What did Amal ask Omar to bring her?
a poetry book
Why Amal and Omar cannot be together anymore?
Amal is not a little girl anymore
At the end of chapter 2, who chimed the bicycle bell?
Amal, Seema and Hafsa saw something unusual while going home from school. What was it?
green door
Almost everyone failed the Maths' exam in Amal's class. True or false?
What does Amal want to be in the future?