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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word is it? ___ ___ ____ ___
It is salt.
What do you put on the top of each nest?
You put the strawberries on the top of each nest.
For how long you need to place the egg whites like nests in the over?
For 5 minutes.
Beat the egg whites in a bowl and then __________?
Then mix with cheese and sugar.
What things you need for the recipe?
You need 4 strawberries, 4 eggs whites, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 cup of cheese.
How long is the recipe for?
It is 15 minutes.
What is the name of the recipe?
The name of the recipe is "Strawberry Nest Recipe"
What is it?
It is an teaspoon
What is it?
It is an tablespoon.
What is it?
It is sugar.
What is it?
It is salt.
What is it?
It is a recipe.
What is it?
It is flour.
What is it?
It is an container.
What is it?
It is butter.