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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What activity is it?
wake up
a performance of famous bands/singers
a performance of small bands/singers
Я часто слушаю музыку в поезде
I often listen to music on the train
Я люблю джаз, рок и классическую музыку, но я не люблю ритм-энд-блюз
I love jazz, rock and classical music but I don't like R&B
Дэн терпеть не может оперу, он предпочитает поп- музыку
Dan can't stand opera, he prefers pop music
What is it?
Дженни хорошо играет на флейте, она играет в оркестре
Jenny is a good flute-player, she plays in an orchestra
Она продает музыкальные инструменты
She sells musical instruments
What is it?
What is it?
Слушай, эта группа играет фантастическую музыку!
Listen, this band is playing fantastic music
What are they?
What is it?
- Как ты добираешься до работы? - Обычно на поезде
-How do you get to work? - Usually by train
What activity is it?
come home
What activity is it?
Have a bath
What activity is it?
Wash clothes
-Как часто ты смотришь фильмы с семьей? - 3 или 4 раза в неделю.
-How often do you watch films with your family? - Three or four times a week
What activity is it?
do the vacuum cleaning
What activity is it?
have a shower
What activity is it?
Make dinner
What activity is it?
Get up