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Grade 6 Term 3 Week 9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 characters /creatures you may encounter in Minecraft.
Teacher decides
True or False? Horned lizards squirt blood from their eyes.
True or False? Male lions do 90% of the hunting.
False, females do!
True or False? Reindeer eyeballs turn blue in Winter to help them see at lower light levels.
Which level of government is responsible for rubbish collection? Federal, State, Local
What are the 3 levels of government?
Federal, State and Local
Name an Australian Political Party
Teacher decides
The leader of each state government is called? The Prime Minister, The Premier, The Mayor, Your Highness?
The Premier (Chief Minister in the 2 territories)
How many vertices?
How many faces?
Name this 3D object
Square Based Pyramid
Name this 3D object
Triangular prism
Name this Australian animal
Minecraft: What is the name of the alternate world to which you can travel?
The Nether
Name this Australian animal
5 countries are bigger than Australia. Can you name 1?
Russia, Canada, China, USA and Brazil
Which constellation appears on the Australian Flag?
The Southern Cross
What are the co-ordinates of the green circle?
What are the co-ordinates of the red star?
Name 3 teachers at CNPS whose names begin with S
Teacher decides
Name 3 Australian animals beginning with K
Koala, kangaroo, kookaburra
What is special about a monotreme?
They are mammals and they lay eggs.
What is the capital city of Tasmania?
What is the capital city of Queensland?