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Indirect questions
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much does it cost?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember HOW MUCH IT COSTS?
How long were you there?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember HOW LONG YOU WERE THERE?
When did you see it?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember WHEN YOU SAW IT?
What are the ingredients?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember WHAT THE INGREDIENTS ARE?
Where were you?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember WHERE YOU WERE?
Should we start now?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me IF WE SHOULD START NOW?
What can we do in Chiapas?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me WHAT WE CAN DO IN CHIAPAS?
Does Danna live in London?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember IF DANNA LIVES IN LONDON?
Where did you go last night?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me / Can you remember WHERE YOU WENT LAST NIGHT?
Is there a mall around here?
Do you know / Do you have any idea / Can you tell me IF THERE'S A MALL AROUND HERE?