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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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PRIVILEGE: You can ask anyone your question.
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PRIVILEGE: You can ask anyone your question.
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PRIVILEGE: You can ask anyone your question.
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What is faithfulness in your point of view?
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Tell us about a well-known personality that you admire.
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What are some thought that you would like to share with a friend?
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What is your philosopy in life?
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What is your happiest moment of your life?
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Do you find yourself impressive? Why?
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Do you consider yourself conservative or modern?
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What style of clothing are you most comfortable in?
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PRIVILEGE: You can ask anyone your question.
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Who is your favorite movie personality? Why?
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What would you like to talk about People, events or ideas?
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What is your favorite room in your house?
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How did your mother help you in your growing up years?
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What is the most important possession in your house? Why?
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How do you consider something a luxury?
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What is your favorite TV program? How does it influence you?
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Tell us about an incident that really terrified you.
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What do you often imagine yourself to be?
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How do you understand wise-buying?
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How do you value money?
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HELP: Is there anything that you would like to open up to the group.
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PRIVILEGE: You can ask anyone your question.
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What is your attitude toward adversity and temptation?
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COMMENT ON THIS: "If you cannot find a way out, look up!"
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HELP: Is there anything that you would like to open up to the group.
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Do you consider difficulties a blessing in disguise? Explain.
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What has been the greatest act of kindness you have shown to another?
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When do you become sentimental?
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How did you overcome a very difficult situation in school?
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What makes you inspired to do something?
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Tell us about your insecurities in life.
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Is being single an advantage to you? Explain?
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What is the greatest book that you ever read? Why?
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How do you motivate a person?
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How do you say "no" to a person without offending him/her?
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OOOPS: The group may ask now their own questions.
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ACTION: Render a favorite tune you used to sing as a child
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COMMENT ON THIS: "Loneliness is a growing problem in our society"
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ACTION: Act out a favorite movie personality role or mannerism.
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What are traits that you dislike in your character?
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If a person is faithful to you, what do you promise to do for him/her?
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What are the things that you're most afraid of in your home? school? office?
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What difficulty has challenged you most?
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ACTION: Act out the way you cry when a parent didn't grant your wishes during a. chilldhood b. teenage years c. adult years
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OOOPS: The group may ask now their own questions. : )
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