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The princess and the knight are the king and the queen now
The giant is the king of the castle now
The princess and the knight climbs out the castle window
The pretty princess and the knight are going to ride the horse
Who climbs up quietly to the window castle?
The knight climbs up quietly to the castle window
A king climbs up quietly to the castle window
The scary dragon put the princes in the castle
Is there a knight in the castle?
Yes, there is
Is there a princess in the castle?
Yes, There is
Is there a king in the castle?
No there isn't
Is there a queen in the castle?
No, there isn't
Are the Knight and the Princess quiet?
Yes, they are
Who do you see in this picture
I see a Knight and a princess
Is the princess quiet?
No she isn't
What is sleeping in the castle
The scary dragon is sleeping in the castle
Is the giant sleeping in the castle?
No, it isn't