Edit Game
Lesson 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My sisters _______ studying Chemistry now. (not love)
doesn't love
Mary ______ this Maths assignment. (not understand)
doesn't understand
He _____ to learn Physics at the moment. (want)
They _______ to school everyday. (go)
He _______ Maths right now. (study)
is studying
Tôi mất 15 phút để đi đến trường.
It takes me 45 minutes to go to school
Môn ngữ văn giúp tôi nâng cao hiểu biết
Literature helps me to improve my knowledge
Cô giáo của tôi rất nhẹ nhàng và tốt bụng.
My teacher is really gentle and kind
bốn lần một tuần
four times a week
ôn tập
Tôi thích môn Tiếng Anh nhẩt
I love English the most
Tôi thấy môn Toán thú vị
I find Maths interesting
My mother is going to the park __ ___
by car
Jack is going to the supermarket __ ________
by motorbike
They are going to school __ ___
by bus
She is travelling __ ____
by bike
What is this subject?
What is this subject?
What is this subject?
What is this subject?
môn học yêu thích
favourite subject
bài tập
tiết học
high school
trường cấp 3
trường cấp 2
secondary school
primary school
trường tiểu học