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Natural Resources

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can we conserve oil?
Use electric cars such as hybrids and teslas.
What do we use soil for?
To plant crops, to make cement for roads, to make glass, to make pottery.
What do we use oil for?
To provide energy for vehicles, to make plastic, for fuel in industries.
What do we use forests for?
For timber for building houses and making furniture. Plants for medicine and herbs. Plants for food.
What do we use animals for?
For milk and meat, transport and work, clothes.
What do we use rocks and minerals for?
For building materials, metal, coal for fuel, gems for jewelry.
Name 4 natural resources
Animals, oil, forests, soil, rocks and minerals.
What is an example of recycle?
Breaking down a glass bottle into something new.
What is an example of reduce?
Using your own take away containers to reduce plastic and styrofoam waste.
What is an example of reuse?
Giving an old phone to someone else. Using an old plastic bag again for shopping.
What are the 3 R's?
Reduce, reuse, recycle
If we must cut down a tree, what should we do?
Plant 1 tree for every tree that is cut down.
How can we conserves forests?
We can plant more trees or stop peoeple from cutting down so many trees.
What does the word conserve mean?
It means to save.
In order for cars, ships, and airplanes to work what natural resource do they need?
What type of natural resources is jewelry made from?
Rocks and minerals
What natural resources do we get meat, eggs, and dairy from?
In what natural resource can we find timber?
What is a natural resource?
Things in nature that are useful to humans.