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First Day of School

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Mrs. Lucy's favorite day of the week?
How do you write BW in English class?
Intro red pen, pencil complete answer, no question
True or False: Mrs. Lucy likes working in SILENCE.
True or False: Only the captain cleans up the table?
Do you take your backpack to ICT, Music and Art?
How do you form in lines outside?
1 line (1-12) (13- 27/28)
True or False: You ALWAYS speak English in Mrs. Lucy's room and ALWAYS Spanish in Ms. Pao's room?
False (True for the most part except for a couple of classes)
What classes are taught in Mrs. Lucy's room?
English, Science, Social St. (Once Lectura and Statistics)
True or False: Always try your best to get a perfect score.
What are the colors of the discipline cards?
green, yellow, red, blue
How many children does Mrs. Lucy have?
When is Mrs. Lucy's birthday?
December 3
How many points do you need to get a ClassDojo party?
What is one of Mrs. Lucy's five rules?
Pick one
Who puts materials in the center of the table?
What is Mrs. Lucy's favorite color?
How old is Mrs. Lucy?
What materials do you need for English class?
Notebook and pencil case
What is the response for L-I-S
What is the response for Hocus Pocus
Everybody Focus