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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did she use to have?
long hair
What did you use to do on break time?
play soccer with my friends
What did she use to do after finishing her homework?
What did they use to do after breakfast?
go to school
What did he use to do before school?
take a shower
What did he use to do to help his mom?
clean the bathroom
What did he use to eat for breakfast?
What did he use to do after dinner?
do homework
What did he use to after school?
feed the dog
What did she use to do do in the evening?
watch youtube
What did she use to do eat for dinner?
fry chickens
What did they use to do after school?
play games
What time did they use to come home?
4 o'clock in the afternoon
What did they use to go after breakfast?
go to school
What did they use to do?
play basketball
What did he use to do?
drink coffee
What did they use to do?
watch TV
What did she use to do?
play the guitar
What did she use to do?
water the plants
What did she use to do?
sweep the floor