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Living Things
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sing and dance part or all of the flower song that we learned and choreographed:
Where do turtles lay their eggs?
Turtles lay their eggs in the sand.
Have reptiles got scale, hair, or leaves?
Reptiles have got scales.
Are reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
Reptiles are cold-blooded. They cannot regulate their temperature.
Are reptiles vertebrates or invertebrates?
Reptiles are vertebrates.
Are reptiles oviparous or viviparous?
Reptiles are oviparous.
Is a primrose a living thing? Give 2 reasons why:
Yes, because it grows, reproduces, and dies.
Is a rock a living thing? Give 2 reasons why
No, because it does not reproduce, grow, breathe, or move.
The roots of a plant grow towards __________.
The roots of a plant grow towards water.
What part of the plant is missing?
The fruit is missing.
What part of the plant is missing?
The roots are missing.
What part of the plant is missing?
The stem is missing.
What part of the plant is missing?
The leaves are missing.
What do plants need to live and grow?
Plants need sunlight and water to live and grow.
Which type of plant has a trunk?
A tree has a trunk.