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An object sinks into the water. It shows the buoyant force is (bigger, smaller) than the weight. 物体沉入水里
(Ice tong, nut-cracker, paper cutter, scissors) Which is classified into the third class lever?
Ice tong
The S.I unit to measure the PRESSURE is ( ) 测量压力的国际标准单位是........
Pascal (Pa)
Why is the duck is able to walk smoothly instead of the chicken? 为什么鸭子比鸡步行快步?
The size of the duck's legs is larger than the chicken. The pressure produced lower than the chicken.
How to clean the fish pond by removing the dirty water from the pond? 如何清除池里的脏水?By using......
How to remove the stinking impurities that stuck in the pipe? 如何清除掉卡在管道中的恶臭杂质?By using.........
suction pump
How does a doctor inject the form of liquid drug into the patient's body? By using....... 医生如何注射液体药物进病人体内?
How do we clean the house area by removing all the dust? By using.....我们如何清理家里的尘埃?
Vacuum cleaner
The dam wall is (thinner, thicker) at the bottom compared to the above part because the water pressure effect on the base of the dam is (lower, higher). 水坝的水压
thicker, higher
Name the force that causes the tomato to fall. 番茄掉下来,施用什么力?
Gravitational force
Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Baseball Bat. 球棒属于哪种杠杆类?
Third Class Lever
Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Stapler and Hole Puncher. 订书机和打洞机属于哪种杠杆类?
Second Class Lever
Name the CLASS OF LEVER for Hoe and Fork. 锄头和叉子属于哪种杠杆类?
Third Class Lever
A lever is a (simple machine, complex machine) that helps us to do work easily. 杠杆帮助我们减轻工作量和负担,杠杆是什么机械?
Simple machine
Show the arrow of the Weight and Buoyant force on the object. 画出箭头显示物体的重力和浮力位置。
Weight: Arrow DOWN; Buoyant force: Arrow UP
What is the type of force when an object is in contact with a surface?当一个物体碰触在一个表面上时,产生了什么力?
Normal force
What are the factors affecting pressure? 什么因素会影响压力
Surface area and force
State a type of force acting on a duck. 鸭子施加的一种力是........
Buoyant force
First Class Lever (State the position of the Effort, Fulcrum and Load) 第一类杠杆(说明力点,支点和重点的位置)
Fulcrum is between load and effort
The densities of materials. Show the highest dense and less dense material from the list. 图表显示材料和其密度。写出最高密度和最低密度的材料。
Highest dense: Gold 19.3 g/ml ; less dense: Cork 0.26 g/ml
An object with a mass of 1kg has a weight of ( ) N.
The S.I unit of force.力的国际标准单位是......
Newton (N)
How do we measure force? By using a.......... 我们如何测量力的存在?使用......
Spring balance (by reading the scale on the balance)
State SIX types of FORCE 列举出六种力
Buoyant force, Elastic force, Frictional force, Normal force, Weight, Gravitational force
State THREE daily activities which involved PUSH and PULL force 列举出三个在日常生活中有涉及推和拉力的动作
Opening a door, Pressing a switch, Opening a can food, Opening a car door, Opening a drawer