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English Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When he (get) ........to the station he realised that he (forget) .......... his passport.
got / had forgotten
Shh! Be quiet, the baby ................ now. (sleep)
is sleeping
He .................. the car at the moment. (wash)
is washing
Look, it (rain) ............ soon!
is going to
Many birds ......... south in winter. (fly)
In 2056 we ................. on other planets. (live)
will live
Our team is very good. I think we ............ the next game. (win)
will win
I .............. my granny last weekend. (help)
Yesterday at six I ........ dinner. (prepare)
was preparing
I .............. the film ten times. (see)
have seen
The children (watch) ............. TV when they (hear) ........their mother's footsteps.
were watching/heard
Yesterday we ......... up very early. (get)
John .......... never ............. to Estonia. (be)
has ....... been
Listen! I think the telephone ............... (ring)
is ringing
Our teacher always ............. us homework on Fridays. (give)
We ............... eggs for breakfast every day. (eat)