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11 Dance

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There are two factors you should always discuss when asked about the Movement Element Energy.
Force and Flow
List the 7 components of the Movement Element SPACE.
Shape, direction, dimension, level, eye/body focus, floor pathways and aerial pathways.
List the 7 components of the Movement Element TIME
Pulse, duration, rhythm, speed (tempo), metre, accent, stillness or pauses.
Define the word motif.
Simple movement pattern or series of movements which help structure a dance.
Why is a connection between the intention, form and movement vocabulary important?
To create a Cohesive and Unified Compsition
Intention + Movement Vocabulary + Form =
Dance Design
Physical Skills
How did you implement the Choreographic Process Refining?
Teacher Decision
List the Choreographic Processes.
Improv, Selection, Arranging, Refining and Evaluation
Given an example of when you used the Choreographic Process Improvisation in to generate movement for your solos
Teacher Decision
List all elements of Spatial Organisation.
Direction, Dimension, Level and Focus
The acronym for Movement Categories?
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for COLLAPSING.
Strong and Bound or Free
Strong and Light
Strong and Bound
Light and Bound or Free
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for VIBRATORY.
Strong or Light and Bound and Free
Light and Bound
Strong or Free
Strong and Strong
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for PERCUSSIVE.
Strong and bound
Bound and light
Strong or light and Bound
Strong or light and Free
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for SWINGING.
Strong or Light and Bound and Free
Strong and Bound
Strong or Light
Bound or Free
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for SUSTAINED..
Light and Free
Strong and Light
Bound or free and strong
MOVEMENT QUALITIES are made up of FORCE and FLOW. FORCE can either be Light or Strong. FLOW can either be Bound or free. Select to two correct answers for SUSPENDED.
Light and Bound
Bound and Free
Suspended, Sustained, Swinging, Percussive, Vibratory and Collasping
MOVEMENT ELEMENTS: ENERGY may be analsyed in terms of its qualities, resulting in ________ and ________.
Force and Flow
MOVEMENT ELEMENTS: List the the 7 elements that up SPACE!
Shape, Direction, Dimension, Level, Eye/body focus, Floor Pathways and Aerial Pathways
MOVEMENT ELEMENTS: List the 6 elements that make up TIME
Duration, Rhythm, Speed (tempo), Metre, Accent, Silences or pauses