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Magnesium (Mg) + Oxygen (O2) ---------
Magnesium oxide
Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a chemical change.
Changes in which new substances are formed are called _________ changes.
Changes in which only _________ properties of a substance change are called physical changes.
The chemical name of baking soda is _________.
Sodium hydrogencarbonate
When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it turns milky due to the formation of _________.
Calcium carbonate
Collect the chalk dust Add a little water to the dust to make a paste. Roll it into the shape of a piece of chalk. Did you recover chalk from the dust?
Reversible Change
Boil some water in a container. Do you see the steam rising from the surface of water? Hold an inverted pan by its handle over the steam at some distance from the boiling water. Observe the inner surface of the pan. Do you see any droplet o
Change no new substance is formed.
Physical Change
Properties such as shape, size, colour and state of a substance are called its
Physical properties