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Digestion Yr8

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In the __________ intestine, food is broken down into the smallest possible molecules (fats (lipids), carbohydrates and proteins) and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream
This part of the system's job is to absorb water back into the body, leaving “solid” material
Large intestine
So we dont constantly need to go to the toilet, this part of the system has the unenviable job of storing solid waste until we get a chance to dispose of it
Rhyming with Silly, what are the microscopic ‘fingers’ that increase the surface area in the ileum, maximising the uptake of nutrients are called V_________
We can actually swallow our food whilst upside down as the muscles of the oesophagus contract to push the food along. this is called P______________S
Enzymes are released by the pancreas break down food into useful components for our body. True or False?
Although saliva kicks off the chemical digestion process, the __________ is like a washing machine where chemical and physical digestion really gets going
The human body part most commonly used for mechanical digestion is