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Correct the suffixes and time phrases

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____ always _______ for everything, even when I‘m just meeting my friends. I hate not being punctual .
I am always on time
I don’t know yet what I want to do when I fi nish school. Hopefully I will have decided_______________ I leave.
by the time
It’s always really annoying when you _____________ watching a film and your mobile rings.
are in the middle of
My sister often calls home to say she _______________ and won’t be home for dinner.
is running late
I’ve been studying really hard at school this year because I want good grades. If I keep working hard, hopefully they’ll get better, __________________ .
sooner or later
I always do my homework ______________ . Sometimes, I even do it on the bus on the way to school.
at the last minute
When I am writing in English, ______________ I always plan what I want to write.
to begin with
I didn’t think I would like going to my new school, but I got used to it ____________ .
in no time
When I ____________________ leaving my home, I often suddenly realise that I have forgotten something.
am on the point of
It is said that teenagers want to grow up too quickly. My grandmother always tells me that everything will happen ____________ .
in good time
When I was younger, I would go to the cinema _________ week. Now I rarely go at all.
every other
Although I am often late, fortunately,I _______ always __________for important occasions.
I am always in time
There has been a SHORTISM of albatrosses in recent years because their species is threatened by a kind of fishing called ‘longline fi shing’.
The albatross is a true INHABITIST of the sky. They can spend months and months out at sea and only return to land to breed.
Only OCCASIONLY will cats be sociable with other cats or humans. This makes it almost impossible to put cats together into a group.
Elephant shrews survive in the DEADLIOUS African grasslands due to their speed.
Elephant shrews (or ‘sengi’) don’t have much VARIAGE in their diets. Insects such as termites and ants make up almost 75–99% of their diet.
Even though scorpions are POISONING , their poison can be converted into a substance that stops pain by grasshopper mice.
Grasshopper mice that have been brought up by two parents have different BEHAVIOUR patterns to those that are brought up by one parent. For one thing, it is said that they are more aggressive.