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Ls 9: Solar and Lunar Eclipses

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20. The penumbra can envelop the entire continent and oceans. What is the meaning of envelop in the sentence.
19. When does the Solar eclipse occur?
It occurs during the day time
18. Lunar eclipse occurs during which time of the day?
17. Why do the moon appears in red colour during the lunar eclipse?
It is beacause of the molecules present in the atmosphere.
16. What is the difference between umbra and penumbra?
Umbra causes Total solar eclipse and penumbra causes partial solar eclipse.
15. Which shadow during eclipse will cover a larger area?
14. What type of eclipse occur when the sun, moon and Earth are in a straight line?
Solar eclipse
13. On which path do the planets and the moon revolve?
12. Why is Sun called a star?
Because it has light of its own and it is made up of hot burning gases.
11. What are the types of solar eclipse?
Total and partial solar eclipse
10. Which celestial body does not have light of its own and reflects the light of the Sun?
9. What is the meaning of the word obscured?
covered or hidden
8. How many types of eclipses are there? What are they?
2 types, solar and lunar eclipse
7. What are the two shadows cast by the moon on the Earth during the solar eclipse?
umbra and penumbra
6. How long does a lunar eclipse long for?
nearly 2 hours
5. How many times does a partial solar eclipse occur in a year?
4. Identify the type of eclipse.
Lunar eclipse
3. Identify the type of eclipse.
Solar eclipse
2. How does a lunar eclipse occur?
Lunar eclipse occur when the Earth comes in between the Sun and the moon and hides it from our view.
1. How does a solar eclipse occur?
Solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the sun and the earth because of which the sun is obscured from our view.