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Passive Voice - Simple Past Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change this sentence into passive. "My sister bought a new laptop."
A new laptop was bought by my sister.
What is the past participle of "choose"?
Make a question from this answer. Q: ...? A: The mummies were found in Egypt.
Where were the mummies found?/What were found in Egypt?
Fill in the blanks. "All the dishes ... (wash) last night."
were washed
What is wrong in this sentence? The man was eaten the noodles. Mention the word(s) that should be erased and changed.
was eaten (x), change to ate
What is the past participle of "take"?
Is it active or passive sentence? The table was cleaned by the waitress.
Is it active or passive sentence? The librarian took some books from the library.
Fill in the blanks. The letter ... (deliver) by the postman.
was delivered
What is the agent in this sentence? My brother was introduced to all the family members by my grandpa.
my grandpa
Change this sentence into passive. "My brother broke the flower vase last week."
The flower vase was broken by my brother last week.