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GE 4 - Meio - Lesson 10 - Page 74 review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which word is different? Explain your answer: net - stick - bat - rink
rink. It's not a piece of sports equipment.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: have a balance diet - get exercise - have bad habits - get a good night's sleep.
have bad habits. It's not related to positive habits.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: Tracks - playlist - hits - cast
Cast. It's not related to music.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: game show - channel - sitcom - soap opera
channel. It's not a TV show.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: track and field - diving - track - auto racing.
track. It's not a sport.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: pool - field - racket - court
racket. It's not a place a to play sports.
Which word is different? Explain your answer: Documentary - thriller - director - action movie
director. It's not a movie genre.
Modal of advice: You _____ go jumping just after lunch.
Tag question: You won't be able to come to my wedding, _______?
Will you?
Modal of ability: I wasn't _____ drive until I was 22 years old.
able to
Passive: Over 500,000 cars a year ____ at the new factory.
will be made
Modal of obligation: You ____ to use expressways in the UK.
Passive: The first Star Wars movie _______ by George Lucas
was directed
Modal of possibility: - I hope I'll _______ up the Empire State Building when I visit New York.
be able to go
Tag question: You passed the test, _____?
didn't you?
Choose the right option: You (can't) (have to) (don't have to) use your cell phone while you're driving. it's against the law.
Choose the right option: It won't rain this afternoon, (won't it) (it won't) (will it)?
will it
Choose the right option: (Have you able to) (Have you been able to) (Have you could) speak to Mike or Alan this week?
Have you been able to
Choose the right option: The new James Bond movie(is going to filmed) (is going to be filmed) (is going to be film) in Mexico.
is going to be filmed
Choose the right option: You (don't have to) (have to) (couldn't) take a taxi to the airport. I can drive you.
don't have to
Choose the right option:Stephen's been working there for years, (is he)(isn't he)(hasn't he)?
hasn't he
Choose the right option: I would like to (can) (could) (be able) to play the guitar like you
to be able
Choose the right option: The play Romeo and Juliet (wrote)(was written)(be written) by Shakespeare
was written