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Media Center Orientation

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the Dewey Decimal System organized by?
By subject/number
Where is the graphic novel section in the Media Center?
By the circulation desk and windows
What can you use to look up books in the Media Center?
The iPad/ Library Catalog
Name one of the clubs in the Media Center?
Battle of the Books, Morning News, Student Government
How much does it cost to replace a school Chromebook?
What is the label on a book's spine called?
The call number
On what website will you find the school's library catalog?
The LMS website
What is the non-fiction section organized by?
The Dewey Decimal System
What is the fiction section organized by?
The author's last name (alphabetical order)
What do you need if you come to the Media Center during class?
Where do you return books?
The "return" slot at the circulation desk
When is the Media Center closed during the day?
During the morning news
How many books can you check out at at time?
up to 3 books
Where is the Maker Space in the Media Center?
In the corner by the circulation desk
What is the name of Ms. Eidson's cat?
What is the name of the Media Coordinator at LMS?
Ms. Eidson