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Gary the Dreamer

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Gary said, "I was sometimes in another world." Why do you think he said that?
Gary has a big imagination. Gary has a lot of dreams.
TRUE OR FALSE: Gary is scared of reading but loves math.
Gary was sharing cultures when he went to:
Why does Gary think his cat Boots likes to read books too?
Boots purs when Gary is reading.
Gary is still a dreamer in third grade. What kind of books did he read?
Picture Books
Why did Gary's class collect pennies in second grade?
His class sent money to help children in Africa.
In first grade, Gary learned how to write:
his name
What did Gary learn in Kindergarten?
How to tie his shoes, his colors, and that he liked to sing.
Gary pretended his pinto beans and pebbles were:
Army Men
Where does Gary live growing up?
In a small white house.