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Revision of verb tenses

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...............you ..................(be) at the new Indian restaurant yet?
Have you been
..............you ............... (see) my keys? I can't find them.
Have you seen
We're moving to New Jersey. We ...............(sell) our house here in Pittsburg last week.
I ...................(not hear) that song in years!
haven't heard
This train ..........(reach) London at 5:00 pm.
reaches (it's a timetable)
Look at those clouds! It .................(rain) soon.
is going to rain
The Greeks held the first Olympic Games more than 2,000 years ........
We were planning the surprise party ..............my brother walked in.
I fell asleep ...................I was listening to music.
You can borrow my laptop, I..............................(not use) it at the moment.
am not using
The cake ..............(not taste) nice because we .............(not put) sugar in it.
didn't taste / hadn't put
I ...............(be) really disappointed when I ...................(know) that I ...................(fail) my driving test.
was / knew / had failed
When we arrived at the airport my father .......... (realise) that he .............. (forget) his passport at home.
realised / had forgotten.
Janet ..........(be) on her way home from the concert when the bus .........(break down), so she got home really late.
was / broke down
The baby ...............(cry) while the babysitter .............(talk) to his girlfriend.
was crying / was talking
My parents ...........(not sleep) when we .....(get) home.
were not sleeping / got
Don't phone or text me this evening. I ........... (rest)
will be resting.
Peter: "It's raining!" Sarah: "Don't worry, I .........................you my umbrella" (lend)
will lend
It's cold now, but in three months' time, we ....................about the hot weather. (complain)
will be complaining
..........you .........enough money for a new car next autumn? (save)
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