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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's happening to the boy? Is the girl happy? How does the boy feel?
He's falling into the lake. He's so angry. The girl is laughing
What's he looking? Where is the girl?
He's looking at the girl. She's sitting on the tree
What's he doing?
He's riding a bike
Are there any chips on the plate? Who is eating Dad's chips?
There aren’t any chips on his plate. Fred is eating his chips
What's Fred doing?
He's taking Dad's chip
What are they doing?
They're eating dinner
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 she has got straight hair, but in the picture 2 she has got curly hair
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the table is a circle, but in the picture 2 the table is a square
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 she has got socks, but in the picture 2 she hasn't got socks
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 she has got a watch, but in the picture 2 she hasn't got a watch
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 there is a bird, but in the picture 2 there is a cat
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 there is a ball, but in the picture 2 there is a boat
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the bottles are in front of the rock, but in the picture 2 the bottles are behind the rock
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the computer is on the bed, but in the picture 2 the computer is under the bed
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 there are four fish, but in the picture 2 there is five fish
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 there are two boats, but in the picture 2 there are three boats
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 there is one fish, but in the picture 2 there are two fish
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the leaves are red, but in the picture 2 the leaves are yellow
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the jumper is red, but in the picture 2 the jumper is blue
What’s the Difference?
In this picture 1 the towel is blue, but in the picture 2 the towel is pink