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Graphic Design Norms & Expectations

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three ways to access Google Sites
The "Waffle" icon, typing it in the url bar, Google Drive
What platform do we use to create our S.H.I.E.L.D. Sites?
Google Sites
How much are Mastery Assignments worth? (What percentage of your grade?)
What is your Geography teacher's name?
Mr. Jackson
What is your English teacher's name?
Mrs. Wulff
What is your Geometry teacher's name?
Mr. Amador
What is your Art teacher's name?
Mrs. Jones
What is your Biology Teacher's name?
Mrs. Bounds
What is your Graphic Design teacher's name?
Mrs. Walton
If you finish early in this class what should you do?
Visit the Design Expedition, Visit the "Finished Early?" section in Google Classroom
What does the acronym S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?
Showing Habits of Innovation and Excellence through Leadership and Documentation
How many tardies equal an absence in High School?
Name all of your 9th grade teachers. (NOT your PE teacher)
Walton, Wulff, Jones, Bounds, Amador, Jackson
Where should earbuds and phones be during class?
In your backpack or purse/Put away
Everyday you will see the daily assignment written where?
On the Board
If you were absent, you should visit the "Extra" Handouts bin. Where is this bin located?
On the table
Where are daily handouts located?
On the corner of Mrs. Walton's desk
If you need help, how many people should you ask BEFORE you ask the teacher?
What room number is Graphic Design 1?
What is Mrs. Walton's favorite place to eat?
How can the class lose their "FREE CHOICE SEATING" privilege?
Playing around/goofing off, distracting others, leaving a mess, rolling around or standing in the chair
When can hall passes be used?
During independent work time
How long should bathroom breaks be?
No longer than 7 minutes
In order to use a hall pass, you must have what?
Your Notebook
How many hall passes are you allowed PER QUARTER?