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Leave No Trace Ethics

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Uh oh. you forgot to bring a stove to cook and there is a strict no fire policy because it's the dry season. What should you do?
You forgot to plan ahead and prepare! You can still cold soak some food or eat something that doesn't need to be cooked. Never make a fire in a no fire zone.
You see trash all along the trail you are walking even though it's not a heavily used trail. Weird, right? It's really taking away from your experience in nature. What could you do to help this problem?
Carry a trashbag each time you hike to pick up the litter other people left. Educate your friends/family on LNT ethics, especially proper disposal of waste.
You just came back from a road trip to Costa Rica and brought back a bamboo plant. You thought it was pretty and potted it in your yard. A year later bamboo is taking over and killing everything in your yard! What LNT ethic did you forget?
Leave what you find. Introduction to non-native species is one of the leading causes of natural habitat loss. Bamboo is beautiful in south america, not NC!
You are hiking solo for three days and just arrived to your campsite for the night. Your choices for a tent setup is either on a bed of moss or in a sandy area. Which one follows the correct LNT ethic and which LNT ethic is it?
Travel and camp on durable surfaces. You choose the sand. Even though moss may be softer, it would destroy the little ecosystem. Sand/rock are best for camp.
You and your friends are camping 5 miles in on the trail in a group camping area. Another group is camping there but have been playing music and talking loudly all night. What LNT ethic are they not following?
Be considerate of others. Talking should be on the lower level when camping and music is always a no unless it's through headsets.
Your friend has never pooped in the woods but your excited to teach them the right way. What is the right way to poop in the woods? What LNT ethic does this fall under?
Dispose of Waste Properly. Dig a hole at least 6 inches deep and wide at least 200 feet away from any water source and away from public use areas like a trail.
You and your friends are hiking when you come up on a snail. Your friend thinks they're gross and squishes it before you can say anything. What LNT ethic should your friend be educated about?
Respect Wildlife. All animals have a roll in the wild. You are in their home. Be respectful of all wildlife so we can have these creatures in the far future.
There is no established fire ring at your campsite but you have a roll of tin foil and can improvise a barrier with that and a dirt mound to protect the soil underneath. What LNT ethic are you practicing here?
Minimize campfire impacts! Congrats! You prepared in case there was no fire ring and know how to build a LNT fire mound so you don't create a mini dead zone.
What are the seven LNT principals?
Plan ahead/prep-Travel/camp on durable surfaces-Dispose of waste properly-Minimize campfire impact-Leave what you find-Respect Wildlife-Be considerate of others
You are out with your friends on a day hike when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Lightening starts popping all around your group and it's raining. Your group has no gear. What LNT ethic does this fall under? Why?
Plan Ahead and Prepare! You didn't check the weather, bring appropriate gear, or look a lightening protocols. Someone could get hurt.