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What can you do at the beach?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There is a (big / small) shell.
There is a big shell.
There is __________.
There is a ball.
What can you do at the beach? I can _________.
I can swim.
What can you do at the beach? I can _______.
I can catch fish.
What can you do at the beach? I can _________.
I can dig in the sand.
Thi is the ________.
This is the beach.
There is a ________ at the beach.
There is a boat at the beach.
There is a big yellow ________.
There is a big yellow sun.
There's _______.
There's sand.
How many small shells are there?
There is one small shell.
How many big shells are there?
There are 2 big shells.
How many orange fish are there?
There are 6 orange fish.
There are _________.
There are fish.
There are 5 __________.
There are five birds.
There are _______.
There are shells.
There are ________.
There are rocks.