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Phones and technology

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a short, electronic sound made by a piece of equipment as a signal or warning T___ / B___
tone/ beep
the most recent improvement to a computer program that is sent to users of the program U___
to succeed in speaking to someone on the telephone G___ ____
get through
a combination of numbers that allows you to unlock an electronic device and use it.
to reach its highest point and stops rising T___ ___
top out
a fast way of connecting a computer to the internet B___
s a small computer with a large touch screen and without a physical keyboard T___
the activity of listening to or watching sound or video “live” on the internet and no data stays on your device S___
people whose details are saved on your phone or in your email address book C___
a computer program designed to cause problems or steal or destroy data V_____
to speak more loudly S___ ___
speak up
to enter your password when you start using a computer or a website L___ ___
log in
to connect somebody by telephone P___ SOMEBODY ___
put somebody through
the part of a computer that you type on K___
a phone connection that uses wires carried on poles or under the ground, in contrast to a cell phone L___ / H___ ___
landline/ home phone
to put electricity into a piece of equipment such as a battery so that it is stored there C___
to move information on a computer or cell phone screen down in order to read it D___
to end a telephone conversation by putting the receiver down or turning the phone off H___ ___
hang up