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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Tom think about the town?
He thinks it is a fun place to walk around.
On the way home, what did they decide to do?
They decided to go inside the best restaurant in town.
What did they do at the park?
Grandpa pushed Tom on the swings. Then Tom went down the slide.
Who works at the library?
Librarians work at the library.
What did Tom do with the motorcycle?
He sat on it.
There are many ... in the town hall.
Why was the school closed?
Because it was spring break.
Dr. Singh ... of children.
takes care
What do firefighters use truck for?
They use truck to fight fires.
What did they see?
They saw a shiny new fire truck.
What did they do everyday?
They went for a walk.
What did Grandpa want?
Grandpa wanted to show Tom the town.
What did Tom do last week?
He visited his grandparents.