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(Cam.Flyers) House and Furniture
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a room in which meals are cooked or prepared
a room in a house where people sit together, watch television, etc.
living room
a room in a house or hotel that is used for eating meals in
dining room
a piece of land next to or around your house where you can grow flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc.
something that you can see yourself when you look in it
a small piece of thick carpet or strong material that is used to cover part of a floor
a large, long container that you put water in and then get into to wash your whole body
a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh
a living thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem, leaves and roots
an object for children to play with
a piece of equipment used for listening to programmes that are broadcast to the public
a platform that is built on the upstairs outside wall of a building, with a wall or rail around it
a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm
a substance that you put on a brush and use to clean your teeth
a system that cools and dries the air in a building or car
air conditioning
a flat piece of plastic or metal with a row of thin teeth along one side, used for making your hair neat
a large piece of equipment for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top
it is like a box with a door on the front, in which food is cooked or heated
a liquid soap that is used for washing your hair
a substance that you use with water for washing your body