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I am the only South African to win a Champions League trophy, who am i?
Benni McCarthy
I am currently the top south african ranked tennis player at Wimbledon, who am I?
Kevin Anderson
I am the only South African to win a World Championship?
Jody Scheckter
I hold the 400 meter mens Olympics running record, who am I?
Wayde Van Niekerk
In what year did Bafana Bafana with the African Cup of Nations?
Which team/s has won the most Rugby World Cups?
New Zealand & South Africa
Who is the most decorated South African paralympian?
Natalie Du Toit
Who are the current ICC Cricket World Champions?
Who is the most decorated South African golf player?
Gary Player
What South African broke the womans swimming Olympic record at the 2021 Olympics??
Tatjana Schoenmaker
How much olympic medals in total did SA attain during the 2021 Olympics?