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Habitats and adaptations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does this animal live?
In the jungle.
Choose one answer. The jungle is hot and rainy. The jungle is cold and rainy.
The jungle is cold and rainy.
True or false. A monkey has short arms for swinging.
False! A monkey has long arms
True or false. A tiger's stripes can help it hide in the jungle.
Can a frog's feet stick to plants and trees?
Yes they can!
Name four animals that live in the jungle.
Monkey, frog, tiger, parrot
Why does a polar bear have thick fur?
To keep it warm.
Why does a camel have a hump?
Camels keep 'food' in their humps.
Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
To eat from tall trees.
Why does a shark have a pointy nose?
To swim fast.
What habitat is this?
What habitat is this?
What habitat is this?
What habitat is this?
What habitat is this?
Polar habitat
Can a lion live in the polar habitat?
No. It's too cold!
Can a polar bear live in the jungle?
No. It's too hot!
What do living things need?
Food, air, water
What are the five habitats?
Polar habitat, jungle, savannah, desert, ocean
Name four things that habitats have.
Food, shelter, water, space