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Gen Z slang

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"She's SUS" means...
"Stay Woke" means..
Stay socially and politically aware.
What does "Let's get this bread." mean
Lets get this money.
What does "word" mean?
It is used to convey a casual sense of affirmation, acknowledgement, agreement.
He is dope. What does "dope" mean?
Someone cool.
"He's the GOAT" means
He's the Greatest Of All Time.
Over the top or excessive.
"Facts" stands for..
Its is used to describe a point well made.
"Low-key" stands for...
Doing something secretly.
Glow up
A transformation of one's apperance.
"That's fire" means..
Something that is really good or cool.
"Bruh" means....
Gender-neutral term for a friend; can be used in disgust or excitement
What does "Bet" mean
Definitely or absolutely.
"She's basic" means
Refers to someone who is unoriginal and only follows mainstream trends.
To Be Honest
What does "Cap" mean?