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NKE to the death of Thuty IV
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How did the army change in the NKE period?
Went from local militia to a proper well trained army.
What is one piece of written evidence about Hyksos occupation?
Papyrus Sallier (British Museum) or Speos Artemidos inscription.
What are the two distinct geographical regions of Egypt?
Kemet - Black Land) and Deshut (Red Land)
Name of the battle where Thutmose III won after a long siege?
Who was know as the Warrior Pharaoh?
Thutmose III
Thutmose I
Thutmose II
Thutmose IV
Who said 'I gave you valour and victory over all lands...'
Who really developed the concept of oracles in NKE?
Amun was sometimes depicted with the head of a?
goose or ram
Who founded the royal tomb workers village at Deri el-Medina?
Ahmose-Nefertari and her son, Amenhotep I
What title was granted to Ahmose-Nefertari for the first time?
God's wife of Amun
What benefits were gained in agriculture from the Hyksos?
Olive and pomegranate trees, zebu cattle
Did Pharaohs borrow or obliterate deeds of their predecessors?
What was the purpose of monumental inscriptions?
Maintain god-like status and a form of propaganda
Show off their carving skills
To show how powerful the Pharaoh was
As a warning to invaders
Carved reliefs, records of military campaigns, dedication ceremonies etc. are?
Monumental Inscriptions
Where is the Temple of Amun located?
Why did the god Amun rise in importance after the expulsion of the Hyksos?
He was credited with guiding the pharaoh in military success over the Hyksos
Name of three significant queens (not Hatty) in NKE?
Tetisheri, Ahhotep II, Ahmose-Nefertari
What happened to Upper and Lower Egypt after the Hyksos were expelled?
They were reunified
What activity did Seqenenre Tao II revive to enrage the Egyptians?
Harpooning hippopotamuses. Egyptian god Apophis was part hippopotamus.
What superior military technology was introduced by the Hyksos?
All of these
Composite Bow
Horse drawn chariot
bronze mailed armour
Name of ancient Egyptian historian?
Name of the pharaoh who expelled the Hyksos
Ahmose I
Name of the Hyksos capital in the Nile Delta