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Cadet general knowledge

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you look out for when setting up a hootchie?
Dead Branches above you, dangerous animals and how water would fall around you hootchie so you don't get wet
Should you say your name and rank when talking to someone on the radio?
No, never
What do you address multiple officers of mixed gender?
Ladies and gentlemen
Who is the Sam Browne Belt named after?
Sir Samuel James Browne, VC
What is this called?
Scarlet Sash
What do the folds on a puggaree represent
Each fold represent each state and territory in Australia
Who is the best Captain?
(AAC) Capt Manley
What are the different kinds of shadows? How do they occur?
Cast and Contained. Cast is the shadow projected from a light on a object how a contained shadow is the shadow inside of a room or cave
Who is your favourite NCO?
All of the 37 NCOs
What does RSM stand for?
Regimental Sergeant Major
What does COY COMD stand for?
Company Commander
How many Mils are on a compass?
How many people could Jerry save if he was 39kms away and James Bond was eating a watermelon?
Trick question, James Bond is in London
What are the best ranks?
Trick Question, They're all the best.
What are the following letters in the phonetic alphabet? UMFGRS
Uniform, Mick, Foxtrot, Golf, Romeo and Sierra
What is the best Cadet Force?
Army obviously
What are the regimental timings for a salute?
Up, 2, 3, Down or 1, 2, 3, 1
What is a Grid Reference?
indication of a location on a map using a series of vertical and horizontal grid lines identified by numbers or letters.
What should you say if you feel like an activity is unsafe or you feel like something is completely unfair?
What does Ratel Stand for?
Radio telecommunications
What are the 5 S's and M
Shape, Shadow, Surface, Spacing, Silhouette and Movement
What ranks do you salute?
CUO's and above
What does CUO stand for?
Cadet Under Officer
How do you treat a compound fracture?
Make a doughnut bandage and stop the bleeding, immobilize the area and treat for shock
what do the two "D's" in DRSABCD stand for?
Danger and Defibrillator (Defib)
What is the fifth rank in the Cadet rank structure?