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AAC Rank Structure

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When talking about a Captain, would you say "Sir [insert name] or Captain [insert name]?
Captain [insert name], they haven't been knighted.
What is a SECO?
Section Commander
What does CSM stand for?
Company Sergeant Major
What is a Lance Corporal when out field?
2IC of a section
What are the roles of a Corporal while in base?
Lead, mentor, assists and teach
What is on a lance corporal's rank slide?
1 Cheveron
What is the very first rank in the Cadets?
Cadet Recruit?
How many cheveronelles are on the CUO rank slide?
27 1/2
What is on the WO2 rank slide?
The Queen's crown in a box
What does WO2 and WO1 stand for?
Warrant Officer Class 2 and Warrant Officer Class 1
Who carries a drill cane and who carries the pace stick?
WO1 carries the pace stick and the WO2 carries the Drill cane
How many officer rank are available to cadets?
What is this rank?
National Cadet Under Officer
How many ranks are there in the structure that are available to cadets?
What is the CUO equal to in the Army
Commissioned Officer or lieutenant
What is the third rank that a cadets can reach?
Lance Corporal